Ink and acrylic experiments continue...investigating various surfaces to find the one that allows the most movement with some element of control. The last photos with the yellow and turquoise colors are still (obviously) wet - been out of the studio for two days with a bad cold and I absolutely cant wait to get back and see how they're becoming! Its the most exciting work I've done so far. The vinyl sheets were a random "found" object from a friend, and I've been thrilled with the results so far. They do take some patience! I'm using so much water that it can take days and days to evaporate and leave the ink behind - and a great deal of "hurry up and wait". Hey, it only adds to the element of "practice" in a meditative, mindfulness, buddhist sense - that same idea I have of guiding the movement of the paint without controlling it...allowing the shapes and lines to be born into space (pictorial space, that is). That, and also I've been listening to too much Radiohead. Lots and lots of Radiohead.
All day, every day,

its Radiohead. Its what my brain sounds like, on the inside. There's some sort of magic to it that "sync's" inside my head and makes everything move to the exact pattern of sound that they create. AAaacckkk! Starting to sound too weird even for me!
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